Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai Terror Hijacks Headlines, Front Pages

If it was headline space they wanted, they got it. The attack on Mumbai pushed Madhya Pradesh polls and death of former Prime Minister VP Singh off the first pages, which were practically covered with the latest on what experts in India and abroad term India’s own 9/11.

The terror attack on Mumbai is unarguably the biggest story of the year, taking a cue from the TV and print media, the Google news (India) homepage is almost completely swarmed by related copy from sources across the world. On the minute updates on numerous web-editions across the globe make it virtually impossible to give the news a chronological pattern.

With the unabated gun-fights almost in their 48th hour, the bone-chilling attack is likely to keep journalists awake through the night on Friday, as they struggle to add last minute updates to a spread that will span the length of the front pages on Saturday.

Nightmares triggered by Mumbai terror desperadoes and mayhem wrought on the country’s commercial capital will continue to echo in media reports for years to come. In the initial spurt -- the fall-out of the attack, the following investigations and the now visible diplomatic efforts are likely to echo in the international media for several weeks.

All aspects of the attack, from the failure of intelligence system to the permeable Indian coastline will make headlines and trouble the government, which in the economically slack season is left to pick up a burgeoning tab for a heightened terror response capacity that the Mumbai attack validates beyond doubt.

Though a momentary quiet prevails over the country’s political firmament, the attack on Mumbai is likely to reverberate in electoral battlegrounds and voters’ hearts when they set out to elect a government next year, all with help from the fourth estate.

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